
Nine Look to Sparkle in CC Jewel

The biggest purse of the day for the CC races comes in the CC Jewel, where $175.000 is up for grabs between the top four finishers. To be eligible for this race, a horse had to have been entered for a $35.000 claiming price, or less, since the beginning of 2021.

Full Field for CC Canterbury

This weekend is claiming crown weekend at CD, as several races have been scheduled for former claimers. To be eligible for the CC Canterbury, one had to have been entered for a $25.000 tag or less since the beginning of 2021.

Eleven In CC Iron Horse at CD

11/12/22   5   CD    CC Iron Horse   $100.000     3yo&Up    1 1/16m Dirt        3yo 122lbs  Older 124lbs +penalties     Have started for a claiming price of $8.000 or less since 1/1/2021. Off to Louisville for the gimmick of all gimmicks,… Read More ›