New Viewer Will Be Available for CD

According to HRP the new viewer will be available for race viewing this upcoming CD meet.  The viewer will be available beginning Saturday April 30th. The viewer will display races in much the same way as they were viewed for the SA races. This means that this year’s Derby should be a true pleasure to watch and give HRP fans a sense of realism never before witnessed for the Derby. However the viewer is still in Beta with a lot of work to be done before the final product is made available which may not be until late 2016. Even then it still may not be a true finished product as HRP may issue updates periodically with further enhancements . But kudos must be given to HRP for putting this product out and at least giving us a taste of what all the races at HRP will be like in the future.


1 reply

  1. I didn’t mean to leave two posts, I didn’t think they were getting posted, but I assume they had to be accepted first.