SRF Speed Figure/Voucher Price Changes

For the first time since the SRF Speed Figures have been made available to the SRF community nearly ten years ago, there will be an increase in the purchase price for the figures. Due to the increase in cost from HRP that is passed on to the SRF for voucher purchases as well as admin costs, we are reluctantly increasing the cost to our loyal customers. The cost increase will affect the monthly and three monthly purchase plans. The daily $1.00 a day will continue, while the monthly plan will increase from $7.25 to $9.95 a month and will retain the 1 voucher. The Three Month plan will increase from $19.95 to $24.95 for the three months and still include 3 vouchers. The Three Month increase is an increase of $1.66 a month or $0.05 cents a day.

The other alternative was no change in price but 1-month plan would include no vouchers and the 3-month plan would of basically included minimal voucher for the 3-month plan. We believe it is better to keep the vouchers as that is more for your money and economically better than the other option plan.

No change in vouchers
Daily – $1.00, 0 voucher, no change
Monthly – $9.95, still 1 voucher
3 Month – $24.95, still 3 vouchers

Again we did our best and considered all the options in keeping costs down. In the end, I feel this is best for those who want the figures and especially for those that like the vouchers. The vouchers are a $36.00 value and couple that with the figures, we still feel that we are offering a very affordable product to our SRF customers. We hope all of the HRP community will understand the reasons for the cost increase and continue to support the SRF. The new price changes will come into affect on Sunday May 1st. So you still have time to purchase the 1-month and 3-month package plans before that date. So don’t hesitate purchase while you have time and save a few extra dollars.

Thanks again for all your support over the last ten years and we appreciate each and everyone here in the HRP community.

Mike La Rosa


NOTE: There has been a change in the way the SRF figures are calculated. This change also includes the lengths per fifth of second. No more old school 1/5th equals 1-length. We feel this will make the speed figures more accurate and separate the horses a little more. We will post an article on the changes this week in the SRF.